Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Osterkirche

Kirchenstraße 21, 25365 Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Jehmlich Orgelbau Dresden
Year ca. 1977
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 25
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The neo-Baroque organ was built in 1977 for the Evangelical Apostelkirche in Bochum (University Church) by VEB Orgelbau Jehmlich, Dresden. With 25 stops, the instrument possesses a concert-worthy variety of sounds, although its compact design makes it appear rather small. The Apostelkirche was deconsecrated in 2012, and the organ was placed in storage.

At the end of 2015, the opportunity arose to acquire the instrument for the newly built Osterkirche in Sparrieshoop. The contract for the modification of the instrument was awarded to the company Freiburger Orgelbau Späth, March-Hugstetten, in the summer of 2016. Completion was in March 2018, and the dedication took place on the fourth anniversary of the consecration of the church, June 3, 2018. You can find information about the conversion on the website of the organ building association.

Hauptwerk Schwellwerk Pedal
Prinzipal 8′ Koppelflöte 8′ Subbass 16′
Hohlflöte 8′ Spitzgambe 8′ Prinzipalbass 8′
Oktave 4′ Prinzipal 4′ Pommer 8′
Spillpfeife 4′ Rohrflöte 4′ Weitoktave 4′
Nasat 2 2/3′ Waldflöte 2′ Nachthorn 2′
Oktave 2′ Sesquialtera 2f. Hintersatz 4f.
Mixtur 4-5f. Siffflöte 1′ Posaune 16′
Trompete 8′ Scharf 4f. Clarine 4′
Oboe 8′
Additionals: SW/HW, HW/Ped, SW/Ped, Zimbelstern, Tremulant HW & SW, Setzeranlage mit 9.999 Kombinationen


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