Kandava, Kandavas Luterāņu baznīca

Baznīcas iela 7, LV-3120 Kandava, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder C. P. O. Herrmann
Year 1864
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 21
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 441 Hz

The history of the organ in Kandava Lutheran Church is rich and detailed. The previous organ, whose construction date is unknown, was obtained by the Liepāja organ builder Carl Herrmann in 1863 as part of a payment. Above the organ console is a framed summary of the organ's history, likely written by Jēkabs Jauģiets, although it contains several professional errors. A handwritten note by Carl Herrmann states that the organ construction began in 1863, with an initial cost of 1500 rubles, later increasing to 1700 rubles. The organ's bellows have an interesting history; two of them were made by Herrmann in 1864, while the other two were taken from the old organ of the Trinity Church in Liepāja, originally built by H.A. Contius.

The Kandava organ, with two manuals and 18 stops, is one of the largest instruments built by Carl Herrmann. The organ's prospect, designed by Heinrich Zeh from Liepāja, is particularly noteworthy and cost 500 rubles. Remarkably, during a 1936 rebuild, Jēkabs Jauģiets used the old Herrmann bellows in the construction of the swell box for the second manual. Herrmann's original inscriptions provide detailed information about the organ's construction process and his workshop assistants, including his son and nephew who continued the family tradition.

In 1936, Jēkabs Jauģiets expanded the organ with three additional stops and replaced the old bellows with new parallel ones. The rebuild included installing a swell box for the second manual, adding a tremolo device, painting the prospect pipes, and thoroughly cleaning and tuning the organ. This comprehensive work cost 4723.50 Latvian lats, and the newly renovated organ was consecrated on October 18, 1936. Interestingly, Jauģiets assigned an opus number to this rebuild, reflecting the tradition of the time.

Overall, the Kandava organ has preserved much of its original substance, including two original reed stops and most of the original labial pipes. The organ's main issue today is an inadequately and incorrectly connected air supply turbine. This historic instrument reflects a significant legacy, with contributions from notable builders like Carl Herrmann and Jēkabs Jauģiets.

I. Manual II. Manual Pedal
Bourdon 16' Flötenprincipal 8' Violonbass 16'
Geigenprincipal 8' Gemshorn 8' Subbass 16'
Salicional 8' Viola 8' Principalbass 8'
Jula 8' Flöte8' Posaune 16'
Höhlflöte8' Bourdon 8'
Hohlflöte 4' Principal 4'
Oktave 4' Doppelflöte 4'
Oktave 2'
Mixtur 2 2/3' 2-3 f.
Trompete 8'
Additionals: II/I, Pedal/I, Tremulants, Evakuant, Zignals, Sperrventil II, Sperrventil I, Sperrventil Ped.

trompete8 ped2x16 bourdonII
J.S.Bach Pastorella rk05
F.List - Forte Plenum
J.N.Bruhn Fuga in E rk02
J.N.Bruhn Preludium in E rk02
J.S.Bach Peludium in C rk01


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