Ilūkste, Ilūkstes Vissvētās Jaunavas Marijas vārda draudze

Brīvības iela 2, LV-5447 Ilūkste, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder Anonymous
Year ca. 1925
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 7
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction pneumatic
Tuning Equal at 426 Hz

According to the parish priest, the organ was brought from Riga after World War II and was not originally located in the church. An inscription inside the construction reads:
"Organ installation completed by Jānis Lošaks on June 9, 1949, living at Sarkanarmijas Street 22. Signature."

The style resembles that of K. Skerstens, H. Kolbe, or most likely, Dūre. H. Kolbe typically used stamps on wooden pipes. The chronological framework spans from the late 1920s to the late 1930s (manual keyboard plastic with fibers in Mālpils, 1928 by K. Skerstens, and Engure, 1931 by H. Kolbe). The prospect is possibly not original.

I. Manual II. Manual Pedal
Principal 8´ Salicional 8´ Subbass 16´
Konzertflöte 8’ Echobordun 8’
Octava 4´ Fl. dolce 4´
Additionals: Superoct.Kopp I, Suboct.Kopp II-I, Manualcoppel II-I, Pedalcoppel I, Pedalcoppel II, P., MF., F., Tutti.

RK 02
RK 01
Tutti gk

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