Hollern-Twielenfleth, Sankt Mauritius-Kirche

Alter Schulweg 10, 21723 Hollern-Twielenfleth, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder A. Schnitger
Year 1690
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 24
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone at 465 Hz

The organ at St. Mauritius in Hollern, part of Hollern-Twielenfleth, was built by Arp Schnitger in 1690. Over the centuries, it has undergone several modifications and restorations. Initially, Didrich Gloger took on maintenance work in 1734 and likely carried out repairs in 1756, 1766, and 1770. A possible repair was also undertaken by Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmi in 1776.

Significant changes were made in 1858 by Philipp Furtwängler, who removed the Brustwerk (breastwork) and added a Hinterwerk (rear work), incorporating Schnitger's Hauptwerksmixtur (main work mixture) into the new 10-register section. In 1965/66, Emmanuel Kemper’s workshop attempted a reconstruction but failed to accurately restore the original state, resulting in the alteration of some originally preserved registers.

A comprehensive restoration and reconstruction were conducted by Hendrik Ahrend from 2010 to 2011, aiming to closely follow Schnitger's original design.

Hauptwerk Brustwerk Pedalwerk
Principal 8' Gedact 8' Principal 16'
Rohr Floit 8' Block Floit 4' Gedact 8'
Octav 4' Octav 2' Octav 4'
Nashat 3' Quint Floit 1 1/2' Mixtur IV
Octav 2' Sexquialtera II Posaun 16'
Wald Floit 2' Scharff IV Trommet 8'
Mixtur IV Krumphorn 8' Cornet 2'
Cimbel III
Trommet 8'
Schalmey 4'
Additionals: II/I

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