Greccio, Chiesa

Builder A. C. Spada e Figli
Year 1831
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 15
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone
Sampleset Available Problem loading image... , sampled by Sonus Paradisi

The Italian Greccio is a town in the region called the Saint Valley (Valle santa). It is known for the first setting of the Chrismass crib scene (crèche). St. Francis (San Francesco) and his colleagues were the first in the world to perform this living scene, employing a baby to represent the newborn Jesus and the ox and the donkey standing by. This happened in the thirteenth century.

Greccio's modest church contains a small organ of the Italian type from the 19th century, built by Alderano C. Spada e Figli company. The organ is from the year 1831. The organ was restored by A. Piccinelli in 1985.

The single manual organ has 50 keys, the compass C (036) to f''' (089) while the bass octave is originally short. The keyboard is divided into the bass and treble section between b and c'. The pedal has a single 16-foot stop and 9 keys.

Manuale Pedale (always attached)
Principale basso [8'] Controbassi [16']
Principale soprano [8']
Ottava [4']
Quinta decima [2']
Decima nona [1 1/3']
Vigesima seconda [1']
Vigesima sesta [2/3']
Vigesima nona [1/2']
Voce umana [8' celeste beating, descant only]
Flauto traverso (soprano) [8']
Flauto in VIII [4']
Flauto in XII (soprano) [2 2/3']
Trombette basse [8']
Trombette soprane [8']
Additionals: Tiratutti

1434901722-Zipoli-4 Versetten-Greccio

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