El Bruc, Església parroquial de Santa Maria

Santa Maria , 08294 El Bruc, Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Joan Bosco Andreu
Year 1989
Period/Style Modern
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Unknown

Built between 1989 and 2005, it was started by Joan Bosco Andreu and completed largely by Federico Acitores. Under the initiative of Father Joaquim Lluís and the Parish Council and with the donations of parishioners and villagers from the town friends of music. It was conceived as a Catalan-style organ with records matched in the Castilian manner. It consists of about 1,500 tubes and 30 registers.

No stoplist available.

No Video/Audio samples available.

Source: Xavi Jorba, head Organist of Church in El Bruc, 2021.

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