Długa Kościelna, Kościół Rzymskokatolicki pw. św. Anny

Powstania Styczniowego 83, 05-074 Długa Kościelna, Poland 🇵🇱
Builder Kamiński
Year 2012
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 22
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Sampleset Available Problem loading image... , sampled by Piotr Grabowski

Długa Kościelna is a small town placed near Warsaw – the capital of Poland. The church is dedicated to St. Anne. In 2000 the antique wooden church was arsoned and burned. After a year, the construction of a new church has begun. It was finished three years later, in 2004.
The organ was built in 2012 by Kamiński company. It has got 22 stops divided into 2 manuals and pedal. The manuals compass is from C to g3 and pedals from C to f.

Manual I Manual II Pedal
Pryncypał 8' Flet otwarty 8' Subbas 16'
Flet kryty 8' Gemshorn 8' Oktawbas 8'
Viola di gamba 8' Flauto amabile 8' Flet kryty 8'
Oktawa 4' Pryncypał 4' Chorałbas 4'
Flet rurkowy 4' Flet kryty 4' Fagot 16'
Oktawa 2' Nasard 2 2/3'
Mixtura 1 1/3' Szpicflet 2'
Tercja 1 3/5'
Kwinta 1 1/3'
Krumhorn 8'
Additionals: II / I, I / P, II / P, Tremolo II


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