Cēsis, Cēsu Sveta Jāņa baznīcā

Lielā Skolas iela 8, LV-4101 Cēsis, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder K. Jirgens
Year 1882
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 3
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 429 Hz

These organs are currently the only known work of Kārlis Jirgens (1821-1903), a master from Augstroze. Otto Zariņš's materials at the Rare Books and Manuscripts Department of the National Library of Latvia preserve the memories of Mārtiņš Ozoliņš, the son of a former Raiskums school teacher, about the installation of these organs and their subsequent fate.

After World War II, the organs were still played, and Ozoliņš's brother even gave a concert on them. However, the organs were later vandalized to such an extent that serious repairs were needed. In 1960, they were sold to the Cēsis Local History Museum for 1000 rubles. An inscription inside the organs, “29 November 1882, No. 52,” indicates the date of manufacture and the number of instruments made by the master, demonstrating Jirgens's professionalism. The internal inscription “Bought in 1883 for 205 rubles” further attests to the historical value of the instrument.

Before their restoration, Mārtiņš Ozoliņš's memories were the only evidence of Jirgens's authorship. Dates were written in many places inside the organs, but the builder's name appeared only inside the bellows, handwritten in ink on a paper label, discovered during restoration. This instrument thus serves as a valuable example for identifying Jirgens's future works. The organs were restored in 2003 by the “Melbārža Music Instrument Workshop.”

Manual Pedal (always attached)
Flöte 8’
Viola di Gamba 8’
Principal 4’

Gamba8 Octave4
Flauta8 Gamba8 Octave4
Flauta8 Gamba8
Flauta8 Octave4


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