Billerbeck, St. Ludgerus

Builder Fleiter
Year ca. 2014
Period/Style Modern
Stops 74
Keyboards 5+P
Keyaction electrical
Tuning Equal at 440 Hz
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The neo-gothic cathedral of Billerbeck (Germany), dedicated to the honor of St. Ludger, was built in 1892–98. At that time, only a small organ was supplied because of the lack of funds. The organ had 32 stops and was built by Friedrich Fleiter from Münster. The historic organ case is still preserved today. In 1948, the organ was enlarged to 42 stops. The original two-manual organ console was re-used in the church of Aulendorf, where it remains today.

In 2001, an association of friends and supporters of the St. Ludger organ was founded and funds were raised for the construction of a new, large instrument. In 2008, Orgelbau Fleiter began to construct the organ, which was built in several stages and completed in 2014. Orgelbau Friedrich Fleiter was established in 1872 in Münster, and it has supplied numerous organs to churches of the Münster area for the past 150 years. Since 2007 the company is directed by Eberhard Hilse, who was the designer of the present Billerbeck organ. The instrument had 72 speaking stops distributed across four manuals and pedal.

In 2021, a new mighty Tuba was added to the organ. The Tuba has three pitch ranges 16', 8', and 4', and it can be coupled to any manual or pedal. In pedal, it also has a 2' pitch in addition to the three mentioned. The Tuba has a darker tone and it is very loud, so that it sounds well through the tutti of the rest of the instrument. Its purpose is soloistic.

The organ has been designed predominantly in the French symphonic style, although it incorporates elements from other traditions so that the result is an eclectic universal organ. It has five divisions: four manuals and pedal. The Hauptwerk and Chamadenwerk are located in the organ case on the right side (north side). The Schwellwerk is in the case on the left (south side). The Pedal sits at the back, behind both the historical cases and offers, among other stops, three 32' voices. The Rückpositiv on the balustrade of the organ gallery is enclosed in a swell box and contains 12 voices of mixed (French and German) traditions. The Hauptwerk and Schwellwerk voices were inspired by the French style of voicing developed by A. Cavaillé-Coll. The flutes of the Schwellwerk, including the mutations (aliquotes), are made of overblowing pipes. The Chamadenwerk offers solo stops in addition to the en chamade trumpets, namely the Vox Ludgeri, a clarinet-like reed, and the Flûte harmonique.

1. Rückpositiv (expr.) 2. Hauptwerk 3. Schwellwerk (expr.) 4. Chamaden 5. Tuba division Pedal
Principal 8' Grande Bourdon 32' Rohrbordun 16' Trompeta magna 16' Tuba 16' Grand Flute 32'
Rohrflöte 8' Violone 16' Doppelflöte 8' Trompeta real 8' Tuba 8' Bourdon 32'
Salizional 8' Principal 16' Geigenprincipal 8' Trompeta clarin 4' Tuba 4' Principalbass 16'
Unda maris 8' Principal major 8' Bourdon 8' Cornet 5f Flute 16'
Praestant 4' Praestant 8' Viola 8' Flute harmonique 8' Contrabass 16'
Holzflöte 4' Viola da Gamba 8' Vox coelestis 8' Vox Ludgeri 8' Soubasse 16'
Waldflöte 2' Flute harmonique 8' Principal 4' Octavbass 8'
Quinte 1 1/3' Gedackt 8' Flute octaviante 4' Flute 8'
Mixtur 4 f. Oktave major 4' Fugara 4' Cello 8'
Sesquialtera 2 f. Octave minor 4' Nazard harm. 2 2/3' Bourdon 8'
Trompete 8' Flute conique 4' Octavin 2' Choralbass 4'
Cromorne 8' Quinte 2 2/3' Tierce (harm.) 1 3/5' Viola tenore 4'
Octave 2' Fourniture 5 f. Contrebombarde 32'
Cornet 5 f. Basson 16' Posaune 16'
Mixture major 2' Trompete harm. 8' Fagott 16'
Mixture minor 1' Hautbois 8' Trompettenbass 8'
Bombarde 16' Voix humaine 8' Clairon 4'
Trompete 8' Clairon 4'
Additionals: III/I, IV/I, Sub III/I, Super III/I, I/II, III/I, IV/II, Sub III/II, Super III/II, IV/III, Sub III/III Super III/III, Aequallage ab, I/Ped, II/Ped, III/Ped, IV/Ped, Super I/Ped, Super II/Ped, Cantus II/Ped 2', Super III/Ped, Tuba couplers (to all manuals and pedal), Carillon

1586072377-1586034308-Hauptwerk recording 2020-04-04-20-32-17 FleiteBillerbeck
1597769844-Penfield - Petite symphonie
1586072214-1586034226-Hauptwerk recording 2020-04-04-19-24-56 FleiteBillerbeck

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