Barcelona , Facultat de Geografia i Història (UB)

Carrer de Montalegre, 6, Barcelona , Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Blancafort-Capella Organers
Year ca. 1967
Period/Style Modern
Stops 3
Keyboards 1
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Unknown

The organ that returns to the UB is a small and transportable instrument of two and a half registers (nose, flute and fifteenth) with a 56-key keyboard (the usual in all types of organs). It can be used as a solo accompaniment or play in the enormous repertoire of organ music existing both in Catalonia and in the rest of the world. Built in 1965, it was commissioned when the master Enric Ribó, director of the Polyphonic Classical Chapel of the Foment d’Arts Decoratives and the Chapel of the UB, asked the Rectorate for an instrument capable of doing the accompaniments of the pieces that the Chapel sang. It was deposited for some time in the Paranimf of the Historical Building, and now the Office of the Vice-Principal for Institutional Relations and Culture and the Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History have agreed to install it in the music space of this Faculty, where it will be used in various pedagogical activities.

Flautat (bordó) 8′
Quinzena 2′
Nasard 1 1/3′

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