Barcelona , Oratori de Sant Felip Neri (Orgue major)

Església de Sant Felip Neri , 08002 Barcelona , Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Blancafort-Capella Organers
Year ca. 1967
Period/Style Classical
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Kirnberger III at 440.0 Hz a 20 °C Hz

This project dates from 1967 and is the work of the organists Gabriel Blancafort and Georges Lh'te under the musical advice of Montserrat Torrent.

Of baroque sound and mechanical transmission, it has 49 registers and 3,481 tubes, distributed in 3 manual keyboards of 56 notes C-g''' and a 32 note pedal C-g'.

In 1967 the construction of the cadireta body, a provisional console and two non-operative pedal bodies was carried out. Unfortunately, the circumstances of the time did not lead to the continuation of the project and the organ has remained in these conditions for fifty years.

On December 3, 2021, the new organ, named after Montserrat Torrent, was partially inaugurated. This first part, which consists of the central box, the console and the main organ with 7 registers, has been carried out by Blancafort Orgueners de Montserrat under the direction of Albert Blancafort, who will also be in charge of completing the instrument with the construction of the third keyboard, the pedal body and the rest of the registers.

This instrument will fill a gap in Barcelona, where it will be the only large-format Baroque organ (with 3 manuals and 16 feet of façade) to be able to solemnly interpret the great works of the Baroque and Iberian repertoires, two of the great specialties of Montserrat Torrent.

The church of Sant Felip Neri is the ideal place to host this instrument thanks to unbeatable acoustics, the baroque setting of the temple and the location in the center of Barcelona.

A technical commission has studied the 1967 project in depth and has adjusted it to the experience accumulated in the last fifty years.

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