Aizpute, Aizputes Svētā Jāņa luterāņu baznīca

Tebras iela, 3456 Aizpute, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder W. Sauer
Year 1904
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 23
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction pneumatic
Tuning Equal at 440 Hz

The previous organ, which has not been preserved, was built in 1869 by the organ builder Kārlis Aleksandrs Hermanis from Liepāja. It was his first independently built organ. The instrument had 2 manuals and initially 16 registers, which were intended to be expanded to 21 registers.

The current organ was built by the W. Sauer firm from Frankfurt/Oder in 1904, consecrated on June 27, and together with installation, it cost 4800 rubles. A review from the day of the consecration particularly highlights the Vox coelestis and Aeoline stops of the second manual, describing their sound as "miraculous," while the overall sound of the instrument is praised as "mighty and brilliant." The consecration concert was played by the music director Rūdolfs Grīviņš from Tartu.

Inscriptions on the inside of the organ's construction indicate that the maintenance of the organ in the 1920s and 1930s was in the hands of H. Kolbe and A. Krāns. On July 8, 1943, the organ was tuned by J. Bokums. Interestingly, the air pressure is also noted there—95 mm/WS, corrected to 100 mm/WS. Another inscription states that in March 1925, H. Kolbe replaced mouse-chewed membranes in the console and performed other works.

I Manual II Manual Pedal
Bourdon 16' Liebl.Ged. 16' Violon 16'
Principal 8' Geigenpr. 8' Subbass 16'
Gedackt 8' Rohrfl. 8' Octave 8'
Flöte 8' Aeoline 8' Bourdon 8'
Gamba 8' Voix cél. 8' Posaune 16'
Gemsh. 8' Fugara 4'
Rohrfl. 4' Fernfl. 4'
Octave 4' Harm.aeth. 3 fach
Mixtur 3-5 fach
Trompete 8'
Additionals: I. z. Ped., II. z. Ped., II. z. I. M., W(alze) ab, FR. COMBINAT, RW. ab, HDR.AB, MF (Mezzo Forte), T(utti)

I man. Trompete 8
Tutti - P.Vasks - Te Deum
Schweller - solobalss IIman. visi 8 Fernflote 4 pavadijums Iman. Gedackt Gemshorn 8 ped Subbass 16 Bourdon 8

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