Wesselburen, St. Bartholomäus

Sankt Bartholomäus, Am Markt , 25764 Wesselburen, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder R. West
Year ca. 2011
Period/Style Modern
Stops 32
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Well-Tempered at 465.0 Hz

The organ was constructed by Rowan West during two phases in 2006 and 2011. After interim new builds in 1882 by Marcussen and in 1968 by Tolle, only the valuable casing and 14 metal pipes remained from the original Baroque organ. Rowan West then reconstructed the instrument, completing the first phase by Easter 2006 with 24 registers, and finishing the entire instrument by Easter 2011. The original organ was built by Johann Hinrich Klapmeyer in 1741.

Brustwerck (II) Hauptwerck (I) Pedal
Quinthadena 8' Quinthadena 16' Principal 16'
Gedackt 8' Principal 8' Untersatz 16'
Principal 4' Gedackt 8' Octav 8'
Gedackt 4' Octav 4' Octav 4'
Octav 2' Rohrflöt 4' Rauschpfeiff II
Waldflöt 2' Quint 3' Mixtur IV-VI
Zipfflöt 11/2' Superoctav 2' Posaun 16'
Sexquialter II Rauschpfeiff III Trommet 8'
Scharff III-IV Mixtur IV-VI Trommet 4'
Dulcian 8' Cimbel IV Cornett 2'
Trommet 8'
Vox Humana 8'
Additionals: I/II, I/P, 2 Tremulants for the entire organ

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