Ulsnis, St. Wilhaldi

Sankt Willehad, Schleidörferstraße , 24897 Ulsnis, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder J. D. Busch
Year 1785
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 18
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The pipe organ has a rich history recounted from various resources. Initially, the organ was built by Johann Daniel Busch in 1785. Later on, in 1798, it underwent a renovation by Jürgen Hinrichsen. In 1838, work was done on the organ by Marcussen and it was remodeled again by the same company in Apenrade in both 1871 and 1892/93. In 1930, the organ was redesigned by Furtwängler & Hammer from Hannover. Most recently, in 2002, the organ was restored by Paschen Orgelbau from Kiel.

Hauptwerk (I) Nebenwerk (II) Pedalwerk
Principal 8' Gedackt 8' Subbaß 16'
Oktave 4' Flöte 4' Principal 8'
Oktave 2' Waldflöte 2' Oktave 4'
Sesquialtera II Quinte 1 1/3' Nachthorn 2'
Mixtur III Cimbel II Rauschpfeife III
Trompete 8' Posaune 16'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: Cimbelstern, II/I

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