Travemünde, St. Lorenz (Main Organ)

St. Lorenz-Kirche, Jahrmarktstraße 14, 23570 Travemünde, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder R. v. Beckerath
Year 1966
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 29
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 440.0 Hz

The Organ was constructed by Rudolf von Beckerath Orgelbau, Hamburg in 1966. It was originally located in the chancel of the church, on the right wall. The console was freestanding, overlooking the altar. However, in 1991, during a renovation and redesign of the church, the organ was moved to the newly designed west gallery. The organ received a new casing with a Rückpositiv (back positive), modeled after the Stellwagen casing from 1642 that was originally there. This required the creation of a new pedal chest, which allowed the pedal to be extended by two stops. In addition, the organ received a new setter mechanism with 8 x 8 (64) combinations. These modifications were performed by Hinrich Otto Paschen from Kiel in 1991.

I Rückpositiv II Hauptwerk Pedal
Metallgedackt 8' Quintadena 16' Prinzipal 16'
Prinzipal 4' Prinzipal 8' Subbaß 16'
Blockflöte 4' Rohrflöte 8' Oktave 8'
Waldflöte 2' Oktave 4' Gedackt 8'
Gemsquinte 11/3' Koppelflöte 4' Oktave 4'
Sesquialtera II Nasat 22/3' Nachthorn 2'
Scharff IV Oktave 2' Rauschpfeife V
Krummhorn 8' Flachflöte 2' Fagott 16'
Schalmey 4' Mixtur IV-VI Trompete 8'
Trompete 8' Trompete 4'
Additionals: I/II, I/P, II/P, 64 Setzerkombinationen, Tremulant I Rückpositiv

No Video/Audio samples available.,_St._Lorenz_(Hauptorgel)

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