Одеса, St. Paul

Німецька євангелійсько-лютеранська церква св. Павла, вулиця Новосельського 68, 65023 Одеса, Ukraine 🇺🇦
Builder G. F. Steinmeyer & Co
Year 1964
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 27
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The pipe organ was built by Steinmeyer Orgelbau in 1964 for the Nuremberg Cross Church in the St. Leonhard-Schweinau district. In 2005, the instrument underwent a general overhaul and was newly intonated. As it became increasingly clear in 2008 that the Cross Church building could not be maintained, the organ was dismantled in 2010 and transported by the Lutz organ building company to Odessa. There, it was to resound anew in the rebuilt St. Paul's Church.

Hauptwerk (I) Pedal Schwellwerk (II)
Quintade 16' Prinzipal 16' Bleigedackt 8'
Prinzipal 8' Subbaß 16' Violflöte 8'
Spillflöte 8' Offenbaß 8' Rohrflöte 4'
Oktave 4' Choralbaß 4' Prinzipal 2'
Blockflöte 4' Nachthorn 2' Siffflöte 11/3'
Oktave 2' Rauschpfeife 3f. 22/3' Sesquialtera 2f. 22/3' und 13/5'
Flachflöte 2' Posaune 16' Zimbel 3fach 1/2'
Nasat 22/3' Trompete 8' Rohrschalmey 8'
Mixtur 4-6f. 11/3' Kornett 2'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: II-I, II-P, I-P; 2 freie Kombinationen, Auslöser, Tutti, Zungenabsteller,, Tremulant Schwellwerk (II)

No Video/Audio samples available.


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