Schleswig, Schlosskapelle Schloss Gottorf

Schloss Gottorf, Schlossallee, 24837 Schleswig, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder M. Kjersgaard
Year 2004
Period/Style Modern
Stops 17
Keyboards 2
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Mads Kjersgaard in Uppsala in 2004. It is a reconstruction housed in a historical casing, the OW casing from 1567, and the Positive Prospect from 1625. The construction history of the organ goes back to 1567 when Johann von Groningen built a new organ for the old chapel which was not completed until 1590. In 1591, the organ was moved into the new chapel by organ builder Gottschalk Burchert. In 1625, Gottschalk Burchert again added a positive to the organ.

In 1725, a renovation was carried out by Hinrich Wiese, and the organ then had 22 registers on two manuals and an attached pedal. In 1860, Jürgen Marcussen erected a new organ into the old casing, using the old main work case as a positive case. Two register pulls remained vacant, perhaps for reeds not yet installed. A reconstruction of the historical organ took place in 2002/2003 by Mads Kjersgaard.

Oberwerk Positiv
Principal 8' Quintadena 8'
Gedact 8' Gemshorn 8' D
Praestant 4' Offen Flöite 4'
Spiel Flöite 4' B Rohrflötlin 2'
Quer Pfeiffe 4' D Sedecima 1'
Nasat 3' Sexqvialter 2f D
Super Octava 2' Geigen Regal 4'
Mixtur 3f
Krummhorn 16'
Dulcian 8'

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