Weißenau, St. Petrus und Paulus (Main Organ)

Münster Weißenau, Abteistraße , 88214 Weißenau, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder J. N. Holzhey
Year ca. 1786
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 42
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
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The organ was constructed by Johann Nepomuk Holzhey in 1783/1786. Around the mid-16th century, a new piece was purportedly built by Jörg Ebert, which was later supplemented by a separate pedal registry Subbass after 1600. In 1668, a choir organ was purchased. The organ was altered and re-appointed in 1845 by Franz Anton and Johann Nepomuk Kiene of Langenargen. Then in 1873, it underwent renovation and restoration by Carl Gottlieb Weigle of Stuttgart. Further alterations and repairs were made in 1951 by Friedrich Weigle of Echterdingen. In 1988, the organ was restored and reconstructed to Holzhey's original design by Hubert Sandtner of Dillingen/Donau.

I Hauptwerk II Positiv III Echo Pedal
Prestant 16' Principal 8' Nachthorn 8' Subass 16'
Principal 8' Flautravers 8' Dulciana 8' Octavbass 8'
Copel 8' Rohrflöten 8' Spitzflöten 4' Violonbass 8'
Viola 8' Salicional 8' Flageolet 2' Cornetbass 4-fach 4'
Quintadena 8' Undamaris 8' Cornet Resi 4-fach 4' Bompard 16'
Gamba 8' Octav 4' Vox humana 8' B/D Trompet 8'
Octav 4' Fugari 4' Cromorne 8' B/D Clairon 4'
Flöten 4' Holflöten 4'
Superoctav 2' Quint 3'
Nazard 2' (2'+ 1 1/3') Hörnle 2' (2'+ 1 3/5')
Sexqualter 3' (22/3'+ 2' + 1 3/5') Cimbal 5-fach 2'
Cornet 3' (2 2/3' + 2' + 1 3/5') Fagott 8' Bass
Mixtur 6-fach 2' Hautbois 8' Discant
Trompet 8'
Claron 4'
Additionals: Echo-Cupl (III/I), Positiv-Cupl (II/I), Tuttibass (I/P), Tremulant Diskant III Echo

J. S. Bach-D. Zipoli -J. F. Dandrieu - Mini concert Colourful advent in Weissenau
Michel Corrette Suite du Premier ton


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