Nysted, Kirke

Nysted Kirke, 4880 Nysted, Denmark 🇩🇰
Builder D. Wroblewsky
Year 1777
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 20
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Daniël Wroblewsky in 1777. Between 1853-57 there was a significant remodel by Jens Gregersen (1794-1864, Copenhagen). In 1944, there was a restoration and change to the disposition undertaken by Marcussen & Sø.

I. Manual II. Manual Pedal
Principal 8' Gedakt 8' Subbas 16'
Spidsfløjte 8' Principal 4' Principal 8'
Oktave 4' Quintatøn 4' Gedakt 8'
Rørfløjte 4' Gedaktfløjte 4' Fagot 16
Quint 22/3' Blokfløjte 2'
Oktave 2' Scharff 2f.
Mixtur 4f. Cymbel 2f.
Trompet 8' Dulcian 8'

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