Сарыарқа ауданы, National Academy Of Music (Concert Organ)

проспект Женис 33, 010000 Сарыарқа ауданы, Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
Builder H. Mayer
Year ca. 2005
Period/Style Modern
Stops 48
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Hugo Mayer Orgelbau, under the opus number 396, in the year 2005. It features a ruby-red stained oak finish.

I Hauptwerk II Positiv III Schwellwerk Pedal
Prestant 16' Holzgedackt 8' Bourdon 16' Principalbass 16' (Transm. I Prestant 16')
Principal 8' Quintatön 8' Diapason 8' Subbass 16'
Konzertflöte 8' Principal 4' Cor de nuit 8' Quintbass 102/3'
Gamba 8' Rohrflöte 4' Salicional 8' Octavbass 8'
Bourdon 8' Sesquialter 2f 22/3' Voix céleste 8' Weitgedackt 8'
Octave 4' Gemshorn 2' Geigenprincipal 4' Choralbass 4'
Koppelflöte 4' Larigot 11/3' Flûte traversière 4' Astanaflöte 2'
Quinte 22/3' Cymbel 3f 2/3' Nazard 22/3' Hintersatz 4f 22/3'
Superoctave 2' Cromorne 8' Doublette 2' Kontraposaune 32'
Mixtur 4-5f 11/3' Tièrce 13/5' Posaune 16'
Cornett 5f 8' (ab g0) Plein jeu 4-5f 2' Trompete 8'
Bombarde 16' Basson 16'
Trompete 8' Trompette harmonique 8'
Hautbois 8'
Clairon harmonique 4'
Additionals: II/I, III/I, III/II, I/P, II/P, III/P, Sub III/I, Sub III/III, Super I/I, Super III/P, Tremulant I Hauptwerk, Tremulant II Positiv, Tremulant III Schwellwerk

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