Mölln, St. Nicolai

St. Nicolai, Am Markt 12, 23879 Mölln, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Scherer
Year ca. 1558
Period/Style Renaissance
Stops 40
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ can be traced back to several significant periods of work:

- Around 1436, there was likely an organ, probably a blockwork.
- Circa 1500, an unknown organ builder made individual pipe rows of blockwork controllable by setting loops on the wind chest.
- Between 1555-58, Jacob Scherer designed a new instrument, but apparently, he largely adopted the existing registers: the main body received 7 registers, the pedal received 6, and a Brustwerk was created, though it likely was not yet being played from its own keyboard.
- 1567 saw a repair by organ builder Hans Köster after lightning damaged the organ; he added a Rückpositiv containing 10 registers as per sources, bringing the size to II/24.
- Between 1637-41, Friedrich Stellwagen built a new Brustwerk with 5 registers and supplemented the other works as follows: RP + 1 voice, HW + 4 voices, Pedal + 3 voices. Now, the organ has three manuals for the first time.
- During 1754-66, Christoph Julius Bünting carried out a repair, building a new prospectus with baroque carvings, which has been preserved to this day. He also added additional registers, the organ now has III/38. There would be more works on the organ afterwards.
- In 1854/55, Marcussen's modifications transformed the Rückpositiv into a swellable main work and reduced the number of registers to 33.
- Restoration began in 1954 by Eberhard Tolle and carried out in various stages. The disposition was presented as per the status after the initial building phase, in which the Rückpositiv had not yet been restored and the Brustwerk and the pedal still had a different shape from the disposition that existed after the completion of this work by Eberhard Tolle in 1972/75. The disposition since 1972 is also shown.
- From 2018-22, the Flentrop Organ Workshop from Zaandam, Netherlands restored the organ strictly following monument conservation principles, with the disposition after Bünting's work set as the starting point. The completion was planned in 2021, but was postponed again. The re-inauguration took place in May 2022.

The current casing was made as part of the repairs carried out by organ builder Christoph Julius Bünting from 1754 to 1766.

I Rückpositiv II Hauptwerk III Brustwerk Pedalwerk
Prinzipal 8' Quintadena 16' Gedact 8' Prinzipal 16'
Gedact 8' Prinzipal 8' Quintaden 4' Subbass 16'
Quintadena 8‘ Spitzflöit 8' Waldflöit 2' Octava 8'
Octava 4' Holpipen 8‘ Sifflöit 1' Gedackt 8'
Blokflöit 4' Octava 4' Sesquialtera II Octava 4'
Octava 2' Holflöit 4' Trichterregal 8' Quint 3'
Siffflöit 1 1/3‘ Quinta 3' Mixtur IV
Sesquialter II Nasat 3‘ Posaune 16'
Mixtur IV Octava 2' Trommet 8'
Cimbel II Mixtur IV Trommet 4'
Trechterregal 8' Cymbel III
Trommet 16'
Vox humana 8'
Additionals: 2 Zimbelsterne, Bock-Tremulant, RP/HW, BW/HW, RP/Ped, HW/Ped, Shut-off valves for each work


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