Malente, St. Johannis

Sankt Johannis, Hufenweg , 23714 Malente, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder H. Wiese
Year 1726
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 15
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The pipe organ was constructed by Hinrich Wiese in Schuby in the year 1726. Then, in 1968/71, it underwent restoration by Eberhard Tolle from Preetz, who added fields and towers to the structure. However, in 1993, the instrument was returned to its original state by Johannes Rohlf from Neubulach-Seitzental.

Manualwerk Pedalwerk
Prinzipal 8' Untersatz 16'
Gedackt 8' Octava 8'
Oktava 4' Octava 4'
Quinta 2 2/3' Mixtur IV
Oktava 2' Posaun 16'
Sexquialtera II Trompaet 8'
Mixtur IV
Trompaet 8'
Trompaet 4'
Additionals: Tremulant, Zimbelstern, Nachtigall, Kalkantenglöckchen, I/Ped

No Video/Audio samples available.,_St._Johannis

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