Lübeck, St. Jakobi (Richborn Positive)

St.-Jakobi-Kirche, Jakobikirchhof, 23552 Lübeck, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder M. Kjersgaard
Year ca. 2003
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 8
Keyboards 1
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone at 471.0 Hz

The organ was constructed by Mads Kjersgaard from Funbo-Gunsta, Uppsala, Sweden in 2003. The cabinet housing the organ is historic, however, there were no other components of the organ left. Kjersgaard reconstructed the instrument based on a sister instrument that was built in 1667 and is located in Skokloster. Additionally, it traces its roots back to 1673, a model by Joachim Richborn.

Principal 8' D
Gedact 8'
Principal 4'
Octava 2'
Quinta 11/3' B
Sexquialter 3' + 13/5' D
Sedecima 1'
Dulcian 8' B/D


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