Innsbruck, Hofkirche (Hauptorgel)

Hofkirche (Schwarzmanderkirche), Kapuzinerbogen , 6020 Innsbruck, Austria 🇦🇹
Builder Mauracher
Year ca. 1900
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 22
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction pneumatic

The main organ in Innsbruck's Court Church was constructed in 1900 by Hans Mauracher, the imperial and royal court organ builder from Salzburg. This organ was built alongside the organ in the former state memorial Church of the Sacred Heart in Innsbruck. Initially, the organ was placed on the central balcony, between the choir and the main aisle of the church, but was later moved to the rear balcony on the north side.

Before this, there had been smaller organs on the central gallery. For instance, the immediate predecessor to the Mauracher organ was built in 1859 by Josef Unterberger for the State Industry Exhibition in Innsbruck, and was transferred to the Court Church in 1861. It was deemed "unusable" at the end of the 19th century and replaced by the Mauracher organ.

In the 1980s, the organ was moved to the north balcony. The organ is designed in the Neo-Renaissance style, with two facades, which were necessary due to its original location.

I. Manual II. Manual Pedal
Bourdon 16' Bourdon Principal 8' Violon 16'
Principal 8' Philomela 8' Subbaß 16'
Gedackt 8' Aeoline 8' Principal 8'
Spitzflöte 8' Vox Coelestis 8' Baßflöte 8'
Gamba 8' Gemshorn 4' Posaune 16'
Salizional 8' Cornett 4'
Octav 4'
Flöte 4'
Rauschquint 22/3'
Mixtur 2'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: II/I, II/P, I/P, Superoctav I; Suboctav II/I; Rohrwerkcoppel an/ab (Zungen an/ab), Fixed combination: p, mf, f, ff; Trigger (=Free Comb.),_Hofkirche_(Hauptorgel)

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