Innsbruck, Hofkirche (Ebert-Orgel)

Hofkirche (Schwarzmanderkirche), Kapuzinerbogen , 6020 Innsbruck, Austria 🇦🇹
Builder J. Ebert
Year ca. 1561
Period/Style Renaissance
Stops 15
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone at 445.0 Hz

The organ was built by Jörg Ebert from Ravensburg between 1555 and 1561. After receiving the commission in 1555, he was reprimanded in 1557 for not yet starting the construction. The number '1558' is inscribed on the keyboard frame, suggesting that the primary system was completed by then. A threat of imprisonment had to be issued a year later to ensure that the carpenter creating the casing was completing his work. Only on June 7, 1561, did the Upper Austrian Chamber report the successful acceptance of the instrument.

The organ has remained in its original location, the presbytery above the western sacristy door, where it hangs against the wall as a swallow's nest organ. Significant changes were made by Daniel Herz in 1655. Between 1700 and 1701, Johann Caspar Humpel significantly expanded the organ's pitch range and register count (up to 26 registers.)

The wind channels, wind chests, pipe stocks, comb boards, register mechanics, and main roller board are original. The keyboards and bellows, as well as parts of the tone tractor, were reconstructed by Jürgen Ahrend after he restored the organ in 1977. Six registers remain in their original form, five have been reconstructed, and the rest have been supplemented in various parts.

I. Im Ruggpositiv II. Im großen Corpus Pedalwerk (attached to II)
offen fletl (Prinzipal 4') principal (Prinzipal 8')
zudeckt fletl (Gedackt 4') deckt fleten (Gedackt 8')
Mixtur (Mixtur III-V) octaf (Oktave 4')
ziml (Zimbel II) quint (Quinte 22/3')
hörnndl (Sesquialtera II) quintez (Superoktave 2')
hindersaz (Mixtur V-X)
ziml (Zimbel II)
hörnndl (Sesquialtera II)
trumetten (Trompete 8')
regal (Regal 8' (B/D))
Additionals: Manualschiebekoppel,_Hofkirche_(Ebert-Orgel)

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