Weißbriach, evangel. Pfarrkirche (AB)

Builder Rieger
Year ca. 1996
Period/Style Modern
Stops 20
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Rieger Orgelbau, located in Schwarzach, in the year 1996.

Hauptwerk Pedal Schwellwerk
Bourdon 16' Subbaß 16' Holzflöte 8'
Principal 8' Principal 8' Gamba 8'
Holzgedackt 8' Gemshorn 8' Prestant 4'
Octav 4' Choralbaß 4' Rohrflöte 4'
Flöte 4' Fagott 16' Sesquialtera II
Superoctave 2' Schwiegel 2'
Mixtur IV 11/3' Oboe 8'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: II/I, I/P, II/P

No Video/Audio samples available.


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