Freiberg, Petrikirche

Petrikirche, Petriplatz , 09599 Freiberg, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder G. Silbermann
Year ca. 1735
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 32
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Neidhardt II at 462.5 Hz
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The pipe organ in St. Peter's Church, Freiberg, is a significant historical instrument with a rich background. Renowned organ builder Gottfried Silbermann, after gaining fame with the Freiberg Cathedral organ, was approached by the city council to build a new organ for the reconstructed St. Peter's Church following a devastating fire in 1728. According to his nephew Johann Andreas' diary, Silbermann had vowed to build this organ for free if his nearby house, storing three finished organs, was spared from the fire.

The contract for the new organ was signed on August 3, 1734, with a completion date set for July 1736. Silbermann, working in parallel on the Frauenkirche organ in Dresden, completed the St. Peter's Church organ earlier than expected in October 1735. The organ was consecrated on October 31, 1735, featuring 32 voices, including many 16' stops, a Vox Humana, and a "Bass Ventil" pedal coupler.

Over the centuries, the organ underwent several reconstructions and modifications. Significant changes included the introduction of equal temperament in 1855 and numerous updates by the Jehmlich company in 1895, 1935, and 1940, which altered its original Baroque characteristics. A thorough historical restoration was planned from 2004 and completed by Jehmlich and Wegscheider between October 2006 and July 2007, restoring the organ to its 1735 condition.

St. Peter's Church itself dates back to the 12th century and has seen numerous architectural changes due to fires and reconstructions. It was rebuilt in the Baroque style after the 1728 fire, with the addition of the Silbermann organ marking a significant milestone in its history. The church has a long-standing musical tradition, having been a Lutheran establishment since 1537 and fostering a rich musical life that included liturgical accompaniment and solo performances. The church's interior underwent substantial changes in the late 19th and 20th centuries, but it retains historical features such as its high tower and ancient bells.

The restored Silbermann organ now continues to enrich the liturgy, concerts, and recordings, echoing the musical excellence envisioned by its creator nearly 300 years ago.

I Hauptwerk II Oberwerk Pedal
Principal 16' Quintaden 16' Großuntersatz 32'
Oktave 8' Principal 8' Principalbaß 16'
Viola di Gamba 8' Quintaden 8' Oktavbaß 8'
Rohrflöte 8' Gedackt 8' Posaunenbaß 16'
Oktave 4' Oktave 4' Trompetenbaß 8'
Spitzflöte 4' Rohrflöte 4'
Quinta 3' Nasard 3'
Superoctava 2' Oktave 2'
Tertia 1 3/5' Quinta 1 1/3'
Mixtur 4f 1 1/3' Sufflöte 1' (sic)
Cymbel 3f 1/2' Sesquialtera 4/5'(ab c1: 1 3/5')
Cornett 4f 4' Mixtur 3f 1'
Fagott 16' Vox humana 8'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: II/I, I/P, Calcantenzug, Schwebung (Trem.) II


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