Engelberg, Klosterkirche (Main Organ)

Kloster Engelberg, Bänklialpweg , 6390 Engelberg, Switzerland 🇨🇭
Builder Goll
Year ca. 1877
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 153
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction electrical

The pipe organ was built by Friedrich Goll for the monastery church as opus 12, featuring a new organ with 50 registers on three manuals and a pedal. The organ was equipped with cone chests and Barker levers, with an expressive swell box. Over time, the instrument underwent several modifications. Between 1924 and 1926, the Goll & Co. organ-building company expanded the instrument to 134 registers, added a new console, and established a tube pneumatic system. While the initial contract mentioned 121 registers, an 8′ Principal was added later.

From 1992 to 1993, the Graf AG organ-building company restored the organ. The instrument got a new control desk with setzer facility and two new pedal registers. Today, the organ boasts 137 registers with a total of 9,097 organ pipes. The largest pipe measures over 9 meters, while the smallest is just 5 mm long.

The organ features numerous swell boxes that are staggered and allow for orchestrated, seamless dynamics. Apart from the main work and the Grand Pedal, all the works can be swelled, with part of the upper work even being able to be doubly swelled, and two registers being triple-swelled. Six swell pedals control the pneumatic couplers. In the second work (II), the Dulcian, Physharmonica, and Clarinette registers are built as beating reeds. Both the mechanical action (for keys) and the stop action (for registers) are electric.

Hauptwerk (I, C-c4) Echowerk (II, C-c4) Solowerk (III, C-c4) Oberwerk (IV, C-c4) Pedal (C-g')
Gross-Principal 16′ Gross-Salicional 16′ Lieblich Gedackt 16′ Rohrgedeckt 16′ Contraprincipalbass 32′
Gross-Bourdon 16′ Gross-Gedeckt 16′ Geigenprincipal 8′ Hornprincipal 8′ Principalbass 16′
Principal 8′ Lieblich Principal 8′ Soloflöte 8′ Fugara 8′ Violonbass 16′
Solo-Principal 8′ Suavial 8′ Wienerflöte 8′ Nachthorn 8′ Gemshornbass 16′
Flötenprincipal 8′ Flauto amoroso 8′ Lieblich Bourdon 8′ Flûte harmonique 8′ Subbass 16′
Tibia 8′ Spitzflöte 8′ Coppelflöte 8′ Flötengedeckt 8′ Gross-Gedeckt (TM) 16′
Flöte 8′ Gedackt 8′ Quintatön 8′ Echo-Bourdon 8′ Rohrgedeckt (TM) 16′
Flauto dolce 8′ Viola 8′ Salicional 8′ Cello 8′ Stillgedeckt 16′
Gemshorn 8′ Dulciana 8′ Aeoline 8′ Violine 8′ Gross-Salicional (TM) 16′
Bourdon 8′ Unda maris 8′ Vox coelestis 8′ Vox angelica 8′ Harmonicabass (Schwebg) 16′
Gamba 8′ Dolce Cornett V (TRM) 8′ Solocornett V (TRM) 8′ Harmonica 8′ Cornettbass VI (TRM) 16′
Dolce 8′ Klein-Principal 4′ Streichcornett V (TRM) 8′ Echo-Cornett V (TRM) 8′ Quintbass 10 2/3′
Cornett V 8′ Traversflöte 4′ Kleingedackt 4′ Octave 4′ Octavbass 8′
Gross-Quinte 5 1/3′ Rohrflöte 4′ Klein-Spitzflöte 4′ Klein-Fugara 4′ Flötenbass 8′
Prestant 4′ Salicet 4′ Flûte d’amour 4′ Fernflöte 4′ Gedecktbass 8′
Gemsoctave 4′ Dolcequinte 2 2/3′ Viole d’amour 4′ Flûte pastorale 4′ Violoncello 8′
Hohlflöte 4′ Dolcemixtur IV 22/3′ Harmonia aetherea III (TRM) 4′ Nasard 2 2/3′ Harmonica (TRM) 8′
Dolciato 4′ Octavin 2′ Rohrquinte 22/3′ Echo-Mixtur IV-V 22/3′ Terzbass 6 2/5′
Gross-Terz 3 1/5′ Dolce-Terz 13/5′ Streichquinte 2 2/3′ Piccolo 2′ Bass-Gross-Quinte 51/3′
Quinte 22/3′ Dulcian 16′ Flageolet 2′ Larigot II (TRM) 2′ Bass-Gross-Mixtur VIII (TRM) 5 1/3'
Mixtur IV-V 22/3′ Physharmonica 8′ Zartvioline 2′ Acuta V (TRM) 2′ Septimenbass 4 4/7′
Gross-Septime 2 2/7′ Clarinette 8′ Terzflöte 13/5′ Echo-Terz 13/5′ Principalflöte 4′
Superoctave 2′ Cromorne 8′ Bassetthorn 16′ Echo-Superquinte 11/3′ Zart-Gedeckt 4′
Flautino 2′ Schalmei 4′ Oboë 8′ Septime 11/7′ Rauschpfeife IV 4′
Scharf V ( TRM) 2′ Waldhorn 8′ None 8/9′ Nonenbass 3 5/9′
Cymbel III (TRM) 2′ Englisch Horn 4′ Basson 16′ Bass-Gross-Terz 3 1/5′
Gross-None 1 7/9′ Vox humana 8′ Bass-Quinte 22/3′
Terz 1 3/5′ Saxophon 8′ Bass-Gross-Septime 22/7′
Superquinte 1 1/3′ Tuba 8′ Flauto 2′
Sifflöte 1′ Trompette harmonique 8′ Hintersatz III 2′
Bombarde 16′ Dulcianquinte 51/3′ Bass-Gross-None 1 7/9′
Trompete 8′ Clarino 4′ Contrabombarde 32′
Clairon 4' Euphonterz 3 1/3′ Basson (aus TRM) 16′
Posaunenbass 16′
Trompetbass 8′
Fagott 8′
Bass-Clarino 4′
Additionals: II/I, III/I, IV/I, I/II, III/II, IV/II, IV/III, I/P, II/P, III/P, IV/P;, II/I, III/I, IV/I, II/II, III/II, IV/II, III/III, IV/III, IV/IV, II/P, III/P, IV/P;, II/I, III/I, IV/I, III/II, IV/II, IV/III;, 256-fold electronic setter system, sequencer, whole swell box, inner swell box, swell box specifically for Echo-Bourdon (84) and Vox Humana (101), swell box for the small pedal, Tremolo lento Echowerk (II, C-c4), Tremolo vivo Echowerk (II, C-c4), Tremolo lento Solowerk (III, C-c4), Tremolo vivo Solowerk (III, C-c4), Tremolo lento Oberwerk (IV, C-c4), Tremolo vivo Oberwerk (IV, C-c4)


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