Aarhus, Dom St. Clemens (Main Organ)

Aarhus Domkirke, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark 🇩🇰
Builder T. Frobenius & Co
Year ca. 2001
Period/Style Modern
Stops 91
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction electrical

The organ was constructed by Theodor Frobenius & Sons Organ Builders A/S between 1927-2001. The first organ was established by Lambert Daniel Kastens, a student of Arp Schnittger, in 1730 with 43 registers. In 1878, the instrument was renovated by J.A. Demant based on Albert Schweitzer's sound principles.

In 1927/29, organ builder Theodor Frobenius made radical changes to the organ, expanding it to 84 registers while recycling the old case and old registers. In the 1950s, the organ was restored according to contemporary standards by the original manufacturer, with some romantic registers removed, and pipes cut.

From 1981 to 2001, the organ was returned to its original 1929 condition. This also involved replacing the pneumatic action with an electric one and installing a combination action system. Today, it is the largest organ in Denmark.

I. Hovedværk II. Positiv III. Svelleværk IV. Echoværk Pedal
Principal 16′ Gedackt 16′ Bordun 16′ Hulfløjte 8′ Bordunbas 32′
Gedakt 16′ Principal 8′ Principal 8′ Spidsgamba 8′ Principal 16′
Principal 8′ Rørfløjte 8′ Rørgedackt 8′ Unda maris 8′ Subbas 16′
Spidsfløjte 8′ Quintatøn 8′ Flûte harm. 8′ Principal 4′ Gedaktbas 16′
Gedakt 8′ Octav 4′ Salicional 8′ Fløjte 4′ Violone 16′
Viola da Gamba 8′ Gedaktfløjte 4′ Vox celeste 8′ Nasat 2 2/3' Rørquint 10 2/3'
Oktav 4′ Octav 2′ Violinprincipal 4′ Nathorn 2′ Octav 8′
Spidsfløjte 4′ Blokfløjte 2′ Tværfløjte 4′ Spidsfløjte 2′ Gedakt 8'
Quint 2 2/3′ Larigot 1 1/3' Fugara 4′ Terz 1 3/5' Violoncello 8′
Superoktav 2′ Octav 1′ Octavfløjte 2′ Sivfløjte 1′ Octav 4′
Terts 1 3/5' Sesquialtera II Cornet II Mixtur IV Træfløjte 4′
Mixtur VI Scharf IV Mixtur V Cor anglais 8′ Quintatøn 4′
Cymbel IV Dulcian 16′ Fagot 16′ Vox humana 8′ Hulfløjte 2′
Trompet 16′ Trompet 8′ Trompette harm. 8′ Kronpositiv Flautino 1′
Trompet 8′ Krumhorn 8′ Obo 8′ Tectus 8′ Septima III
Clairon 4′ Skalmej 4′ Clairon 4′ Rørfløjte 4′ Mixtur IV-VI
Principal 2′ Contrabombarde 32′
Spidsquint 1 1/3' Bombarde 16′
Skalmeje 8′ Basun 16′
Fagot 16′
Basun 8′
Serpent 8′
Trompet 4′
Regal 2′
Additionals: Usual couplers, Schwelltritt III, IV; Crescendopedal, Combination action with 3x256 combinations, 3 free combinations, Tremulant IV. Echoværk

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