
Webpage www.teclats.cat

In collaboration with the Museu de la Música de Barcelona and the ESMUC Technologies, this sampleset provider offers a comprehensive virtual reproduction of unique and historically significant instruments. The samplesets are meticulous recordings of every individual sound that an instrument can produce, encompassing all notes and registers. This digital replication allows software to play these sounds in a manner that closely emulates the original instrument, providing a hybrid electroacoustic experience rather than a traditional electronic one.

To utilize these samplesets, an electronic keyboard connected to a computer is required. They can be accessed online directly from the provider's page or through compatible software such as GrandOrgue, which is free and compatible with major operating systems like Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. These samplesets make rare and delicate instruments accessible to a broader audience, including those instruments that are otherwise restricted or in fragile condition, allowing users to explore their musical and sonic capabilities.

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