P. Voelkner

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1900 - 1918
Still active? no

Paul Voelkner (* around 1870 in Dünnow, Hinterpommern; † after 1945) was a German organ builder in Pomerania and West Prussia from 1900 to 1918.

His father, Christian Friedrich Voelkner, had an organ workshop in Dünnow in Hinterpommern, which the son took over around 1900. In 1906, the factory premises burned down due to arson. Paul Voelkner sold the property and established a larger company in Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) in West Prussia. In 1914, he employed 50 workers there, who built about 30 organs annually.

After Bromberg became Polish in 1919, Paul Voelkner sold the factory to a Polish businessman, who set up a carpentry shop there. Voelkner acquired an estate, likely in Garzigar in Pomerania, and settled there. His further life is unknown.

In Paul Voelkner's organ building company in Dünnow and Bromberg, several hundred organs were built between 1900 and around 1916, mainly in the provinces of West Prussia, Hinterpommern, and Posen. Characteristic were stylistically carved cases. Some of them are preserved.

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