U. Babel

Ravensberg 32, 24214 Gettorf, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1989 - ???
Still active? yes
Email info@orgelbau-babel.de
Webpage https://www.orgelbau-babel.de/

Ulrich Babel, born in Fürth/Bavaria, began his journey in organ building as a student and pursued this passion through his apprenticeship and subsequent years of experience across Germany. He achieved his master certification in 1976 after attending the master school in Ludwigsburg. Ulrich then served as the workshop manager at Paschen in Kiel for many years. His career took a pivotal turn in 1989 when he and his wife, Kirsten Babel, established their own business, "Orgelbau Ulrich Babel," allowing them to explore organ building with full creative freedom.

Kirsten Babel, originally from Wanne-Eickel and raised in Bad Mergentheim, developed an early passion for music and organ building. After a successful apprenticeship at Laukhuff in Weikersheim, she further honed her skills by working in various aspects of organ building. Kirsten passed her master exam in 1999 with top honors and later became a certified restorer in organ and harmonium building. Together, the Bables have built a highly reputable business known for meticulous craftsmanship and innovative problem-solving, with their workshop in Gettorf becoming a well-equipped hub for their organ-building endeavors.

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