
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1834 - 1960
Still active? no

The Puget family was a prominent French organ-building family from Toulouse, active during the 19th and 20th centuries. The family's patriarch, Théodore Puget (1799–1883), established the foundation of their legacy. Born in Montréal-sur-Aude, Théodore trained with Prosper Moitessier and moved to Toulouse in 1834, where he began his work as an organ builder. In 1866, he founded the company Théodore Puget père et fils with his sons, eventually passing the business to them in 1877. Théodore's notable works include restorations and new builds in various churches and cathedrals, such as the St-Sernin in Toulouse.

Eugène Puget (1838–1892), one of Théodore's sons, assumed leadership of the family business in 1877. Eugène was known for his contributions to several major projects, including the organ of Notre-Dame de la Daurade in Toulouse and the extension of a Cavaillé-Coll organ in San Vicente, San Sebastián. Another of Théodore's sons, Jean-Baptiste Puget (1849–1940), displayed significant talent in designing organ facades, with notable works including the grand organ in Albi Cathedral and restorations in Paris. The family's legacy continued with Maurice Puget (1894–1960), Jean-Baptiste's son, who worked on major projects such as the organs in the cathedrals of Narbonne, Perpignan, and Monaco. The Puget family's work is recognized for its significant contributions to the development and maintenance of French organ music heritage.

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