
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1789 - 1904
Still active? no

The Knauf family is renowned as a German organ-building family that operated from 1789 to 1904, spanning four generations in Thuringia and southern Westphalia. During the 19th century, the Knaufs were among the most productive organ builders in Thuringia, crafting over 300 organs. The family's legacy began with Johann Valentin Knauf, who was granted an organ-building privilege in 1789 and whose work was documented from 1794 to 1835. His sons, Friedrich Christian and Gottlieb Knauf, continued the family tradition, expanding the business and contributing significantly to the organ-building craft.

The Großtabarz and Gotha branches of the Knauf family included Friedrich Christian Knauf and his son Guido Knauf. Friedrich Christian started his work in the family workshop in Großtabarz and later moved the workshop to Gotha in 1870. Guido Knauf took over the business in 1855, eventually becoming the sole owner until 1900. The Bleicherode branch, initiated by Gottlieb Knauf, included his son Robert and grandson Ernst Knauf, who introduced pneumatic actions learned in Switzerland. The family business faced challenges after Ernst's death, with the company ultimately being taken over by Friedrich Johnsen and later by Jakob Kießling, whose firm managed many Knauf organs until 1939.

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