P. X. Camprubí

Calle Laforja, 26, Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1868 - 1953
Still active? no

Pablo Xuclà Camprubí (1868–1953) was a distinguished Spanish organ builder trained in the workshop of Aquilino Amezua. He established his own enterprise, the Fábrica de Grandes Órganos para Iglesia y Salón de Pablo Xuclà y Camprubí, located on Laforja Street in Barcelona's San Gervasio district, a business originally founded by his father Mariano Xuclà in 1860. Xuclà was not only known for his traditional organ craftsmanship but also for his innovation in creating the "xuclanola," an automatic playing organ similar to a pianola that operated with perforated paper rolls.

Throughout his career, Xuclà was pivotal in completing significant projects left unfinished by other organ builders, including his brother-in-law Gaietà Estadella i Solé. He finished the organs at La Mercè in Barcelona and the Escolapios de Sarrià. Towards the end of his career, after the Spanish Civil War, Xuclà collaborated with the Rogent workshop in Collbató, led by Enrico Rabagliatti, a disciple of Silvio Puggina who passed away in 1940. Xuclà completed the organ at the San Miguel school in Barcelona, a project initially started by Puggina, showcasing his dedication to preserving and continuing the organ building tradition.

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