P. Ott

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1903 - 1991
Still active? no

Paul Ott (1903–1991) was a German organ builder and a significant figure in the 20th-century organ movement, known for his role in reviving pre-romantic organ building principles. Originally trained as a carpenter, Ott later pursued organ building, apprenticing with the Oettinger firm Steinmeyer and later working independently in Göttingen. By the early 1930s, he had established his own workshop and began to gain recognition for his work, particularly for his use of the Schleiflade (slider chest) with mechanical action, which was a return to traditional organ-building techniques that had been largely abandoned during the Romantic era.

Ott's career was marked by both new constructions and significant restorations of historic organs, especially in Northern Germany. His approach, while innovative in its time, has been criticized posthumously for sometimes altering the historical integrity of the instruments he restored, as he prioritized the ideals of the neobaroque style over the preservation of the original conditions of the organs. Despite this, Ott's influence was considerable, particularly in the mid-20th century when his workshop was at its peak. The legacy of his work is complex, with some of his students, like Jürgen Ahrend and Rudolf Janke, later reversing some of his modifications to better preserve the historical authenticity of the instruments.

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