M. Engler der Jüngere

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1688 - 1760
Still active? no

Michael Engler the Younger (September 6, 1688 – January 15, 1760) was the most renowned member of a family of organ builders based in Breslau. Born in Breslau, within the principality of Breslau, Engler came from a lineage of organ and instrument makers. His father, Michael Engler the Elder (circa 1650–circa 1720), hailed from a lineage of Neusiedler councilors and city carpenters. Engler the Younger obtained Breslau citizenship in 1723, following his father's footsteps in the craft. His son, Gottlieb Benjamin (1734–1793), and grandson, Johann Gottlieb Benjamin (1775–1829), also continued the family legacy as organ builders in Breslau.

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