M. Becker

Stadtstraße 13, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1955 - ???
Still active? yes
Email m-a.becker@t-online.de
Webpage http://www.becker-organs.com/

Michael Becker Orgelbau is a renowned organ building workshop based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Founded in 1955 by Klaus Becker in Tremsbüttel-Sattenfelde, the company has always adhered to the traditions of organ reform as envisioned by Albert Schweitzer, emphasizing the use of mechanical actions. Klaus Becker, trained as an aircraft engineer and later as an organ builder under Rudolf von Beckerath, started the firm focusing on solid wood construction with mechanical playing and registration actions, and classic tonal structures. By 1980, the company had already completed 350 new organ builds and restorations, achieving international recognition with exports to Scandinavia, the Netherlands, the USA, and Canada.

Michael Becker, Klaus’s son, took over the company in 1990 after extensive training and experience, including a decade-long traditional journeyman period. He upheld the company’s commitment to traditional organ building techniques and expanded its portfolio. Notable projects include the restoration of the Hartmann organ in Meßdorf’s village church (1744) and the Stumm organ in Hasselbach (circa 1780). After Klaus Becker’s passing in 2009, Michael relocated the firm to Freiburg im Breisgau in 2010, continuing to build and restore organs with a dedication to historical authenticity and craftsmanship.

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