
Mlądzka 15, 04-136 Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1890 - ???
Still active? yes
Email kaminski@kaminski-organy.pl
Webpage http://www.kaminski-organy.pl/

The history of the organ-building tradition in the Kamiński family spans over 100 years.

Its beginnings date back to the last century. Already the third generation of the family is involved in the creation of this legacy, which undoubtedly speaks of great dedication and respect for the challenge undertaken over a hundred years ago.

It is worth emphasizing that this seemingly small company existed and worked even when the world was shaken by major historical events, and Poland - as a state - underwent many significant transformations. The Kamiński organ-building workshop successfully navigated through many unfavorable periods, while some similar institutions ended their activities in a dramatic and often tragic manner. This is not without significance considering the type of personalities and the transparent ethical-moral image of the Kamiński family. The internal potential of these people allowed them to sustain the company during the Great Depression, later during the German occupation, and during the years of the totalitarian system imposed on Poland by the USSR. Thanks to tremendous effort and perseverance, the Kamiński family survived all the difficult years and lived to see a time when running a business like theirs means the opportunity to dedicate oneself to honest work, rather than fighting numerous difficulties and obstacles.

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