J. Wagner

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1690 - 1749
Still active? no

Joachim Wagner (1690–1749) was a prominent organ builder in Brandenburg during the Baroque period, known for his influential work in the region. Born in Karow, Herzogtum Magdeburg, Wagner likely trained with Matthäus Hartmann and Christoph Treutmann the Elder, and later worked under the renowned Gottfried Silbermann in Freiberg. He established himself as the foremost organ builder in Brandenburg, with his work reflecting both the influence of Silbermann and his unique innovations. Wagner's organs were celebrated for their distinctive sound, flexible technical solutions, and the incorporation of additional registers that enriched the tonal palette.

Wagner's most significant works include the large organ in the Berlin Garnisonkirche, completed in 1726, and the organ in the Berliner Marienkirche, completed in 1723. His influence extended beyond Brandenburg to regions like Pommern, the Duchy of Magdeburg, and even Norway. Despite the loss of many of his instruments due to neglect, war, and changing musical tastes, 15 of his organs with substantial original components remain, with the organ in the Brandenburger Dom being particularly notable. The Joachim-Wagner-Gesellschaft, founded in 2006, is dedicated to preserving and promoting his legacy, emphasizing the historical and cultural importance of his work.

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