J. Richborn

Founded/Born - Closed/Death ??? - 1684
Still active? no

Joachim Richborn († 1684) was a prominent German organ builder in the second half of the 17th century, particularly influential in Northern Germany and Scandinavia. He is considered one of the most significant organ builders from Hamburg before and during the time of Arp Schnitger. Richborn is believed to have been a student of Friedrich Stellwagen, another renowned organ builder. His career included significant projects, such as the repair of the organ in St. Maria Magdalena in Hamburg and the construction of new organs, including the one in the first Michaeliskirche in Hamburg's Neustadt.

Richborn was known for his extensive work on major organs, including substantial renovations and expansions. Notable examples include his work on the organ of the Lübeck Marienkirche for Dieterich Buxtehude and the Hamburg Katharinenkirche for Johann Adam Reincken. His influence extended to the North and Baltic Sea coasts, and even to Scandinavia. Although many of his works have been lost, some instruments have survived the centuries, including the nearly intact organ in Buttforde (1681) and a small organ originally from Bützow, which was later relocated to Ruchow and rediscovered in 2012. Richborn's legacy continued through his son, Otto Diedrich Richborn, who followed in his footsteps as an organ builder in the tradition of Arp Schnitger.

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