
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1771 - 1911
Still active? no

The Ratzmann family was a notable German organ-building family from the 19th and early 20th centuries, creating around 170 organs in Thuringia and Hesse. The family's legacy spans three generations, beginning with Georg Franz Ratzmann (1771–1846), who established the family business in Ohrdruf, Thuringia. Georg's sons, Johann Friedrich Heinrich, Johann Heinrich Ludwig, and Wilhelm August Ratzmann, continued the tradition, with Wilhelm August setting up his own workshop in Gelnhausen, Hesse, around 1841. This move marked a period of significant growth and prosperity for the Ratzmann organ-building enterprise.

Wilhelm August's sons, Jean, Wilhelm, and Anton August Ratzmann, inherited and expanded the business, operating under the name "Gebr. Ratzmann" after their father's death. The brothers adapted to new technologies, with Wilhelm embracing pneumatic organ techniques, while Anton preferred traditional methods. Despite internal conflicts following Wilhelm's death in 1911, the business continued under new ownership and management by Richard Schmidt and later his descendants. The Ratzmann family's work, particularly that of Georg Franz and Wilhelm August, left a lasting impact on the organ landscape in Hesse, with numerous instruments still serving as testament to their craftsmanship.

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