J. N. Cahman

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1670 - 1737
Still active? no

Johan Niclas Cahman (born around 1670 in Flensburg; died June 18, 1737) was a notable Swedish organ builder and a member of the prominent Cahman family of organ builders. He was the son of Hans Henric Cahman, who had trained under Hans Christoph Fritzsche in Hamburg, embedding Johan Niclas in the North German organ-building tradition. The family relocated to Landskrona in 1685 and to Växjö in Sweden in 1688.

After the death of his father in 1699, Johan Niclas, along with his uncle Johann Herrmann Cahman, completed the organs for Sankt Jakobs and Riddarholms Churches in Stockholm, projects initiated by his father. In 1700, Johan Niclas moved to Västerås, where he constructed the cathedral organ. Among his numerous other works, he notably built a 40-register organ for the Uppsala Cathedral, replacing the one his father had built that was destroyed by fire in 1702. His contributions significantly shaped the Swedish organ landscape in the early 18th century.

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