J. Boscà

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1670 - 1733
Still active? no

Josep Boscà i Serinyena (?-1733) was a prominent organ builder, recognized as the founder of a significant lineage of organ makers who were primarily active in Barcelona and Girona during the 17th and 18th centuries. He began his career in 1689 with the construction of organs in Cadaqués and Sant Domènec de Girona. Boscà was also known for his work in restoring organs and was involved in the construction of several notable instruments, including those in the Barcelona Cathedral (1686-1688), Montblanc, the chapel of Sant Oleguer in Barcelona, Sant Sever, and Solsona.

Towards the end of his career, Boscà built the organs of Camprodon in 1731 and Igualada in 1736, and worked on the organs at the monasteries of Montserrat and Poblet in 1732. His sons, Antoni and Josep Boscà i Llorens, continued his legacy, contributing to the construction of organs throughout Catalonia. The craftsmanship and aesthetic quality of Boscà’s work are evident in the detailed woodwork and polychrome decorations, often featuring floral motifs and stylized vegetation. His work is noted for its intricate designs, including cherubs, saint portraits, and lavish gold leaf decorations, making his organs both visually and acoustically remarkable.

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