J. Boizard

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1666 - 1717
Still active? no

Jean Boizard was baptized on June 2, 1666, in Fontaine-Milon (Anjou) and died on December 26, 1717, in Stenay (Meuse) at the age of 51, shortly before completing the organ of Stenay, due to a fall during a nocturnal return, "because of the excessive quantity of wine he had consumed."

He is believed to have apprenticed with Paul Maillard, an organ builder from Anjou, and then furthered his skills in Paris, particularly with the Thierry family. In January 1701, he was found associated with Nicolas Lebé, working on the organ of the parish Saint-Sauveur in Verdun.

On February 19, 1701, he married Marie Limillart, aged twenty, daughter of the local cantor and organist, in the parish of Notre-Dame in Vervins.

In 1706, his daughter Marie was born in Sedan (Ardennes), where he was working as an organ builder (parish of Saint Charles).

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