H. Röver

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1851 - 1929
Still active? no

Carl Johann Heinrich Röver, commonly known as Heinrich Röver, was a prominent German organ builder born on December 20, 1851, in Beverstedt and passed away on March 27, 1929, in Stade. He was the son of the organ builder Johann Hinrich Röver and the brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Röver. Initially, Heinrich worked in his father's workshop, which transformed into a partnership known as Johann Hinrich Röver & Söhne on July 1, 1881. After his father retired on September 1, 1886, Heinrich continued the family business, but due to intense competition from the more industrialized P. Furtwängler & Hammer organ building company, economic difficulties post-World War I, and the untimely death of his son (who was intended to succeed him), the firm was dissolved in 1926.

Heinrich Röver was responsible for constructing 19 new organs and worked on 21 more as part of the family partnership. His work maintained the romantic tradition of organ building with a high level of craftsmanship. Röver's activities were primarily focused in the region between the Elbe and Weser rivers. Despite making modifications to historical organs, such as changing dispositions and installing pneumatic actions, Röver and his family played a crucial role in preserving and maintaining the organ heritage in the Stade area. This tradition, which included influential figures like Arp Schnitger and Dietrich Christoph Gloger, lasted for several centuries and only ended with Heinrich Röver's death.

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