H. H. Freytag

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1759 - 1811
Still active? no

Heinrich Hermann Freytag (born around April 15, 1759, in Hamburg; died April 14, 1811) was a German-Dutch organ builder. As a student of Albertus Antonius Hinsz, he continued the Arp Schnitger tradition in the Netherlands at a high level and was one of the most significant Dutch organ builders around 1800.

Freytag was the son of a cabinetmaker from Württemberg. Around 1784, he apprenticed with Hinsz in Groningen, who ran Schnitger's workshop there. After Hinsz's death in 1785, Freytag partnered with Frans Casper Snitger, the grandson of Arp Schnitger and Hinsz's stepson, to run the workshop under the name "Snitger & Freytag." In 1793, Freytag married Hiskia Hornemann (1765–1817), a widow from Groningen. Of their ten children, five reached adulthood. To allow his wife to continue her business, Freytag joined the innkeepers' guild and gained small citizenship in Groningen. When Snitger died in 1799, Freytag took over the workshop, leading North Dutch organ building into a new flourishing period. He maintained high craftsmanship and adhered to Arp Schnitger's tradition. Compared to Hinsz, Freytag's registers had a more elegant sound. His early works were visually influenced by Schnitger, but later designs showed increasing classical influences. In the 1800s, he built several one-manual cabinet organs with six stops and no pedal (e.g., in Lellens, Anloo, and Doesburg).

After Freytag's death in 1811, his employees temporarily continued the business under his widow's leadership since his children were still young. In 1817, the business was transferred to his sons Herman Eberhard Freytag (1796–1869) and Barthold Joachim (1799–1829). Herman Eberhard also worked in Germany, repairing Hinsz organs in Leer and Weener. Herman Eberhard's son Willem Fredrik Freytag (1825–1861) was intended as the next successor but died before his father. After his daughter Jantje Freytag's death in 1862, Herman Eberhard retired and sold the firm in 1863 to the family of Dirk Lohman, who might have been Freytag's student. Later, the companies became competitors.

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