Gebrüder Haupt

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1827 - 1859
Still active? no

The Haupt family, prominent German organ builders active in the 19th and early 20th centuries, left a significant mark on the organ building landscape in western Lower Saxony and the Dutch province of Overijssel. Friedrich Wilhelm Haupt, born on April 16, 1802, in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, initially trained under Gerhard Janssen Schmid in Oldenburg but soon ventured out on his own by establishing a workshop in Damme in 1827. His brother Carl Haupt joined him in 1844, leading to the formation of "Gebrüder Haupt." The company experienced growth and success, particularly after moving to Ostercappeln under Carl's sole leadership from 1859 following the firm's bankruptcy and separation of the brothers.

The leadership of the Haupt firm was passed down through the family, with Carl's son Rudolf Haupt taking over and later moving the workshop to Osnabrück. Rudolf's son, Karl Haupt, continued the business until just after World War II. Unfortunately, the firm's archives were destroyed during the war. The organs built by Haupt are known for their German Romantic sound and historically styled façades influenced by Historicism. While many of their instruments in Germany have undergone significant modifications, a few in the Netherlands, such as those in Markelo and Borne, have been preserved in near-original condition, showcasing the enduring legacy of the Haupt family’s craftsmanship in organ building.

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