G. Estadella i Solé

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1875 - 1944
Still active? no

Gaietà Estadella i Solé was a prominent Catalan organ builder from Barcelona, who lived from 1875 to 1944. He learned the craft under the mentorship of the Basque master organ builder Aquilino Amezua, who was based in Barcelona at the time. Estadella also had a familial connection to another significant figure in organ building, being the brother-in-law to Pau Xuclà i Camprubí. Throughout his career, Estadella built several notable organs across Spain. His work included instruments for Sant Andreu de Llavaneres in 1918, Oteiza (Navarra) in 1922, the church of N.S. de l'Alba in Tàrrega in 1924, and the large organ at Santa Maria de Mataró in 1927, which served various religious communities.

Estadella's organs are also found in Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza in Ubrique (Cádiz) and the Santos Mártires church in Brozas, Cáceres. One of his notable projects was the organ for the parish church of Vilassar de Mar, inaugurated on July 5, 1936, just before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. This organ survived the war by being disassembled and stored, and it was reinstalled and re-inaugurated in 1947 by Pau Xuclà i Camprubí in the new parish church. Designed in a romantic-symphonic style, this particular organ featured two manual keyboards and a pedal keyboard, encompassing fourteen registers and a total of 899 sounding pipes arranged in two sonorous bodies within expressive boxes. Estadella’s work is characterized by its technical mastery and artistic flair, leaving a lasting impact on the musical and cultural heritage of Catalonia.

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