G. von Holy

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1687 - 1736
Still active? no

Gerhard von Holy (1687–1736) was a German organ builder, likely a student of the famous Arp Schnitger. Born in Aurich, he became a master organ builder in 1709 and established himself in East Frisia. His connection to Schnitger likely influenced his early career, including his involvement in the construction of the new organ for St. Michael's Church in Lüneburg alongside another Schnitger student, Matthias Dropa. In 1711, von Holy received an organ-building privilege for the Harlingerland region and settled in Jever in 1714. Despite his efforts to expand his work into larger cities like Amsterdam and Zwolle, he primarily remained active in the East Frisian region.

Von Holy's work extended beyond East Frisia, as he also worked in the County of Mark in Westphalia between 1723 and 1733. His career ended in Remscheid, where he passed away while engaged in organ work. Throughout his career, von Holy contributed significantly to the organ-building tradition in Northern Germany, with a focus on quality and adherence to the stylistic influences of his mentor, Schnitger.

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